Field-Induced Assembly of sp-sp2 Carbon Sponges

The formation of macroscale carbon structures characterised by an  sp-sp$^2$-hybridization is realised by self-assembly in colloidal solutions under an effect of laser irradiation and electromagnetic fields. We have synthesized sp-sp$^2$ sponges of several mm sizes under the movable laser beam action at the homogeneous electric field. The field-induced assembly offers a powerful tool for the carbon phase separation for a deposited carbon sponge and carbon-containing liquid media, as confirmed in this work by means of the Raman analysis. The designed hybrid carbon allotrope of mostly sp-hybridisation demonstrates a stable PL response in the visible range that makes it promising for applications in photonics and THz detectors.  On the other hand, the sponge-like matter is highly suitable for antireflection  applications in the VIS-NIR ranges because of its huge absorption coefficient.

Westlake University
Shilongshan ST #18, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, CN

中国浙江省杭州市西湖区云栖小镇石龙山街18号   0571-85273916

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