Formation of Fractal Dendrites by Laser-Induced Melting of Aluminum Alloys

We report on the fabrication of fractal dendrites using laser-induced melting of aluminum alloys. We target boron carbide (B4C), which is one of the most effective radiation-absorbing materials characterized by a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Due to the high fragility of B4C crystals, we were able to introduce its nanoparticles into a stabilization aluminum matrix of AA385.0. The high-intensity laser field action led to the formation of composite dendrite structures under the effect of local surface melting. Modelling the dendrite cluster growth confirms its fractal nature and sheds light on the pattern behavior of the resulting quasicrystal structure.

Westlake University
Shilongshan ST #18, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, CN

中国浙江省杭州市西湖区云栖小镇石龙山街18号   0571-85273916

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